Dr. Himashu Jha

Heidelberg University


Himanshu Jha is a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany. Jha’s most recent research is to explore the processes of institutional change. He has examined the evolution of Right to Information Act in India as a case of institutional change. Jha engages with research on institutions, institutional change, the Indian State and bureaucracy.  He holds a PhD in Political Science (South Asian Studies) from National University of Singapore (NUS), an M. Phil in Public Policy from the Australian National University, Masters in Political Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University and Bachelor with Honors in History from University of Delhi. While at the NUS he held prestigious research awards such as the president’s fellowship and NUS research scholarship. Prior to his academic engagement, he was working in developmental sector in India, where he served as the national coordinator of a policy think tank called Social Watch and has published numerous policy relevant papers.