Global India Policy Paper #9

Reinforcing climate commitments: Rajkot’s Climate Action Plan

Tanvi V Deshpande
Heidelberg University
Executive Summary

As urbanization rapidly increases across the world, especially in developing countries, cities are now at the frontline of dealing with a global challenge like climate change. Climate action has a wide variety of benefits including improving the local economy, reducing emissions and building resilience. This policy brief aims to highlight how city governments in India can pursue climate concerns, and contribute to global climate commitments alongside existing local development objectives. Despite a weak domestic climate governance framework, Rajkot, located in the state of Gujarat, voluntarily consolidated and mainstreamed a climate action plan. Learning from Rajkot could guide other cities to pursue climate action along with stated developmental priorities. The key policy recommendations of this policy paper include a) involving the local government to further climate action, b) building climate awareness and capacity, especially of city officials, c) promoting collective decision making including both state and non-state actors, d) building on previous policy frameworks and experiences, and e) acknowledging city officials for pursuing climate efforts.

Policy Paper #9 Tanvi Deshanpande